3 years... not too long yet not too short... Finally finished my degree and starting to get into the "Working Life". For 3 years, i had known many good friends, many good people, many things happen, some sad some bad and some to be happy about it. But... i starting to miss them...
Yet... Life still goes on. Stage 3 here I come. So about my future careers, i still haven't got a clue yet. I mean... I interviewed for some companies (some are good some are just ok...) but still none of them reply and offer me a job -_-" sigh... and I thought that my interviews went well and my CGPA still quite good. Hmm... some friends start getting jobs offering and interviews but me... just a clueless person hoping to get a job that he wish for.
Careers aside first, think of it after the perhentian graduation trip. Will be going perhentian island on 21st May. This trip maybe the last chance that i can have fun with the classmates one last time before everybody get separated. Underwater camera bought and ready to be use. Camera battery all charged up. Swim wear checked. Clothes not yet prepare cos still donno wan wear what... (hawaii style or naked style or macho man style.... hmm...) should i buy one day contact lens? cos i'm wearing glasses sigh... wine and beer not yet buy... argh... so many things to do. Be sure to have many pictures coming soon....
So... before i end this... what about my aikido life? well... take a look below...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Officially... Gratuated~
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Next Month Aikido Grading....again~
Sunday, March 23, 2008
I bought a new camera!!!
Hmm... actually the camera was bought around 2 months ago, but i have no time to update the blog because of the Assignment Month that i had in February, it's quite a headache period last month @_@
Anyway... i bought the camera when there is a Olympus booth held just ont the 1st floor (infront of a shoe selling shop) at Jusco Cheras Selatan. Didn't think about if there is a wholesale or digital fair in the future time, i decided to buy a camera because i wanted to buy a digital camera so long time already. After see here see there, pass by the booth for almost 10 times, worry about this worry about that... still i can't make any decision which one to choose. So, i picked the most near RM1000 and ask for the features, which is the Olympus Mju 820.
The Camera features some of the latest tech in digital camera, like face detection, smile detection... where if a person smile, it will automatically capture your picture, nice huh? not only that, it come with a 2.7 inch HyperCrystal LCD with it, this is the thing which attract me the most, who don love a camera with big LCD?
But anything comes with a bad side, the camera's flash is quite strong, in another word, it's too bright!!! the flash can makes a shadow that can exactly making the person that i shot have a shadow that can consider a mirage or someone is behind him/her. Although the camera has a feature that adjust the shadow when taking picture, it doesn't help a lot, the mirage will still noticeable. So, i need to use some photoshop tool in order to make the shadow disappear. Sigh...
Anyhow... i still like the camera because of the other features. And will be taking more pictures when graduation trip to Pulau Perhentian comes. Looking forward to it!!! ^_^v
p/s: Another New Year Resolution done~
Friday, February 08, 2008
Happy Chinese New Year~
Wow... its already another year~ and Chinese New Year had arrived. I'll be posting up all the happenings during CNY in my hometown... and some story when i go back hometown after i back to Sg Long.
At here, I wishes you all have a prospering Chinese New Year. And hope you all have a lucky year of Rat~

Friday, January 25, 2008
New Year Resolution~
I know it's too late for it~ But it still in January! =p
OK!!! Let's get it started. I've been away from the blog for so long until how long i've been away. cos Universities work & some house problems had been made me busy for 3 weeks. I think i'm going to be sick a few more days. Now i've already have flu and cough... later might get fever, headache, backache, and might get cancer too =) kakaka... just kidding, but i really start to sick.
back to the topic~ resolution! hmm... every year i made some target or things to do, but always forgot and i never really seriously think about a resolution. Maybe this year i will seriously make a resolution and give me something to do in this year. But, i still donno wanna make what resolution.
Some of the things i've already done. So, here goes the list : -
- Get myself a copy of "Dynamic Aikido" (Done)
- Get myself a standard Aikido gi
- Get myself a digital camera
- Finish my degree with CGPA 3.00, this one i still not sure (T_T)
- Archive my Aikido "Brown Belt"
- Get to the top of Mount Kinabalu
- Get myself a nice job
- Take pictures with every girl in my course
- At least go for Clubbing once this year, i long time no go already
- (still not yet complete... maybe..)

OK, nothing to say already. Wait for next time la...